Friday, April 30, 2010

3pm Weather Update: Moderate Risk Expanded

The Storm Prediction Center has put out their 3pm update to the Day 1 Outlook. They have expanded the "Moderate Risk" area to cover more of Missouri.

The outlook covers from now until 7am CT Saturday morning.

Here is a look at the specific weather type probabilities.




The blue "hatched" area under the tornado probability indicates where there is a 10% or greater probability of a tornado EF2-EF5 withing 25 miles of any given point.

A tornado watch is already in effect for the northwestern portion of the KFVS viewing area. I expect other portions of at least southeast Missouri to be placed under a watch before the night is over. This will be a good night to make sure your NOAA Weather Radio is turned on before you go to sleep.

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