Thursday, June 10, 2010

Plastic, Plastic, Everywhere

Have you ever wanted to see a couple LARGE pieces of plastic? If so, you should come to the Cape Girardeau Regional Airport Satuday.

In preparation for the U.S. Navy Blue Angels' arrival at the 2010 Cape Girardeau Regional Air Festival we have to roll out a 5,000 foot by 40 foot piece of plastic and place it next to one of the runways. That's 200,000 square feet of plastic. That's a lot of plastic!

Needless to say, we are in need of volunteers to help lay out the plastic and get it weighted down. We have a few thousand bricks and pave stones that will hold it down. The more people we can get to help, the quicker the process will go.

If you can volunteer, be at the Cape Girardeau Regional Airport at 8am this Saturday (June 12) and meet at the Cape Aviation building.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Up, Up, and Away

I am floating on cloud nine. It looks like I am going to get to cross off number one from my "bucket list".

Friday I received a call from the United States Navy. They called to tell me that I have been approved to ride in the backseat of a F/A-18 with the U. S. Navy Blue Angels! I have wanted to do this since I was probably 10 or 11.

What does this mean? It means that I get to ride in the back of a $20-million fighter jet. It means that I get to fly along just under the speed of sound. It means I get to pull 7 to 7.5 G's. It means I get to puke and black out all for fun!

I will be going up in the #7 Blue Angel F/A-18 Wednesday, June 16 around 4:00pm CT. I would be willing to bet that sometime later that night I will have some video posted to my blog so you can have a good laugh.

The reason the Blue Angels are going to be in town is because they will be performing at the Cape Girardeau Regional Air Festival June 19 and 20. This is the first time the Blue Angels have been back to perform at the air show in 18 years (1992). Make sure you plan to attend this year's air show because who knows how long it will be before the Blue Angels come back to perform.

You can purchase advance tickets (and save 20%) at the Cape Girardeau Regional Airport, the Cape Girardeau Convention and Visitor's Bureau, Rhodes 101 stores and online at

I apologize for the lack of posts lately here on the blog. One of the main reasons the blog is because I have been involved in getting things put together for the air show. I have been working on the publicity side and also am serving as the publicity liason with the Blue Angels while they are in Cape Girardeau. (The other reasons for the lack of activity on the blog is I took some time off from work and also because the weather has been relatively quiet.)